25 Top Prepper Projects

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Survival Sanctuary Book

It could be the easiest, cheapest, most disaster-resistant way to get off grid...

...with your own electricity, water, food, and more. Made entirely at home.

That's because "Survival Sanctuary" is a guide for anyone concerned about their wellbeing.

But in the end, it became something more...

And if you apply this knowledge today, Survival Sanctuary will forever be your one stop shortcut to a safer, more independent, and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Just keep in mind what you'll watch and read below is only the tip of the iceberg and there's far more locked inside 'Survival Sanctuary'.

Freely Pump Gallons of
Water Around Your Home Without

The DIY video you're about to see is just one of 25 similar projects locked inside this book. No plumbing skills needed...

Featuring highly detailed illustrations and step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Dig Your Own Water Well...
    For limitless free water that could cut your bills by up to 90% overnighti.
  • Secretly Stash Hundreds of Gallons of Water
    Invisible, even from Uncle Sam!
  • Make (Almost) Any Water Source Safe to Drink
    Thanks to a unique, chemical-free filter made from common items found in most yards.
  • Passively Collect & Store Free Rainwater
    Using a simple trick that could slash your bills by as much as $500 and save your skin in a crisisii|iii.
DiY Projects

More than enough to support the 13.21 gallons of water the average person needs every day, according to expertsiv . Or about a bathtub every week, per person.

Bulletproof Your
Home Against Any Blackout

And protect yourself from outages with homemade energy. Without breaking the bank. Including...

  • How to DIY A Low-cost Wind Turbine
    That needs only a gentle breeze to output 100 watts. Or charge batteries non-stop.
  • Build A Fuel Generator from Improvised from Car Parts
    One that can fit almost any fuel type.
  • A Water Wheel That Powers Homes 24/7
    Perfect for when there's no sun, wind, or other energy sources available.
  • How to Install Solar Panels in 5 Easy Steps
    For less than a 1/3rd of what you'd pay an electrician.
DiY Projects

Even better, these plans are 100% scalable. Need more power? Simply build another generator. All at a fraction of the $1,500 price tag we pay (on average) for energy each monthv . Or the $30,000+ it could cost you to have them installed.

What's more, they're disaster resilient. This means they can take a beating. Whether it's a hurricane, EMP or something worse. Keeping you safe. No matter what.

Feed Your Family with These 4
Low-space Food Projects

Giving you the ultimate low-space (huge yield) garden. Even if you're a total gardening dunce. Including...

  • Tiny-space Plans for an Indoor Vertical Farm
    The most efficient way to get stacks of free food. Even in a city apartment.
  • The "Lazy Grower's" Square-foot Garden
    Great for companion planting. Where your every crop helps to keep others pest-free for maximum harvest size with minimal "work".
  • An Underground (Walipini) Greenhouse
    That grows summer fruits and veg, even in winter. Without the fragility, theft worries and maintenance pain of your typical greenhouse.
  • How to Create a (Low Water) Wicking Bed
    That only needs water every 2-3 weeks. Using 50% less H2O than a conventional garden.
DiY Projects

And it's not just food. Because these projects are also great for a medicinal garden. But they wouldn't be complete without...

How to Make a Food Stockpile That
Never (Ever!) Spoils

Without unreliable refrigeration, tasteless MREs, or forcing you to rebuild your supply every few weeks to avoid spoilage. Including...

  • How to Build A Solar Dehydrator
    Which uses the free power of the sun to safely preserve meat and vegetables for years.
  • Stock Food the Traditional Way with A Root Cellar
    That also doubles as an underground bunker. Perfect for stormy times. Without the dangers of re-freezing or thawing that could make food unsafe.
  • How to Build Your Own DIY Freeze-drier
    That can safely preserve food for up to 25 years. While also shrinking it. Making it easier to store.
DiY Projects

There are just so many great projects to choose from. Not all of which can be easily categorized. Like...

Beat Heatwaves With A DIY
Air Conditioner

Homemade AC

That could save you thousands on your energy bill, and keep you comfortable, even when it's 122° outside.

Critical, especially once you consider such heatwaves have tripled in recent times and are getting hotter every day. What's worse, many can be lethal. Especially for seniors, pets, and small children. Or why not learn to...

Jerry-Rig a Radio like the PoWs
in WW2 Prison Camps


It's a clear no-brainer that information like weather reports, news, or contact with loved ones can make all the difference in a survival situation. Much like it did for POWs in WW2 prison camps, where these radios were routinely disassembled, hidden, and rebuilt from ordinary items, keeping prisoners one step ahead of their captors. And finally...

7 Top-Security Projects Too
Risky to Show Online...

Because even though they're designed for self-defense, in the wrong hands these projects could cause serious harm. And once you read them, you'll know why.


  • A modern variant on a medieval tool which can pierce through sheets of solid steel.
  • How to deliver a stunning shock to anyone who gets too close for comfort, using a tiny change to an item you'd normally smile and say "cheese" at.
  • A DIY version of a flashbang used by SWAT officers to make suspects comply...
  • How to install your very own intruder alarm which, unlike an electric system, goes off with a BANG!
  • Our laser-guided interpretation of a silent hunting tool used by the natives of South American jungles.
  • One method to hide valuables more secure than a solid steel safe... because it's 100% undetectable and blends into your living space flawlessly.
  • And finally, what's promised on the cover of the book. Perfect for roasting roaches on your property.

All vital projects, small and large that can safeguard your skin and make you more self-reliant.

And believe it or not, if you get 'Survival
Sanctuary' now, you'll also
receive Three Special Reports,
100% Free
that will be off the table soon.

There is an old saying that goes:

"Once in a lifetime you need a doctor, a lawyer, and a priest, but
every day, three times a day, you need a FARMER."

That's why your first bonus is:

BONUS #1: The Shoe Box Garden

The Shoe Box Garden

Our first incredible giveaway shows you how to create a steady food supply, even when space is limited. This is especially helpful in urban areas, like the suburbs, or city.

That's because when a crisis hits, the first thing to vanish is food. Therefore, it's vital to have a backup. Even a tiny garden the size of a shoebox can make all the difference.

But even if you're rural-bound, this book is a great guide to get you started with gardening on a small scale.

Or if you have family or friends in the city why not give them this book? When the need arises and food supplies take a hit, they'll thank you for it!

I gave this book to my sister and now she's giving me fresh juicy tomatoes every month (they're great).

I'm sure you're familiar with this expression too:

"An Englishman's Home is his castle."

That's because self-defense is nature's oldest law. And unless you deter bad eggs who'd rather take from you than earn for themselves none of your preparations will help.

That's why your second bonus is called:

BONUS #2: My American Castle

My American Castle

This second manual will do two things - educate AND entertain you. Several sections even made me laugh out loud when I read them.

But the techniques inside - straight out of 'Nam - are no laughing matter...

Read carefully as this Vietnam Vet shows you how to turn your home or bug-out into an impregnable fortress every roaming bandit or looter will fear.

Covering tips, like the biggest mistakes home invasion victims make, 7 booby traps for home defense, how to build a layered defense system around your home (with counter-defense fortifications, obstacles, and camouflage, inspired by Vietcong tactics), all backed by real-world statistics.

That way you know where to focus. Without waste.

I know one thing for sure... if the kid from Home Alone had read this book, the bad guys in the movie wouldn't have been in Home Alone 2...

Another great quote is:

"Two is one, one is none".

It comes from the military and is about the value of having a backup.

That's why your third bonus is:

BONUS #3: The Home Energy Rescue Plan

The Home Rescue Plan

Electricity has undeniably improved our lives. Just like fire, or the invention of the wheel...

Without it, life would be tough.

That's why it's critical to store it. Ready for downtimes (like when there's no sun for solar panels) or you're out of gas.

This way you have power 24/7. Giving you a valuable reserve in an emergency.

And why your final bonus shows you how to build an electrical backup, like those found in hospitals, including which batteries to use in a survival situation... and which to avoid (spoiler: it's a lot of the modern ones).

*All of which are available to download digitally.


Very Soon, All of These (And
MORE) Could Be Yours...

20 Projects from the Book

But act fast!

Because only if you act now and reserve your copy of 'Survival Sanctuary' today will you secure these 3 exclusive bonuses, valued at $27 each... FOR FREE.

Plus, gain unlimited access to our members' area, where you can ask us anything. Any time you want. We'll be there to answer all your questions and help you if you need any assistance.

Simply click the button below to secure your copy and become an honorary 'Survival Sanctuary' member today .



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What People Say About
Survival Sanctuary:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, I wish I got it before. I have never been taught this. Why isn't this being taught in school? Everyone needs this!" Van, 45, TRINIDAD, W.I.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Very helpful and insightful." Thomas Conner, 59, Harker Heights, TX

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Easily the best book on Survival I've ever read. Great for beginners (like me) and pros (like my old man) alike. Would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone interested in this topic." Shaun, 32, UK

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Good stuff. Give us more." Steve Peterson, 64, Aurora, CO

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Serious preparedness information in this book. Easy to follow instructions are a must for the less mechanically inclined of us." Dewey L. Weaver, 63, North Alabama

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Chalked full of great ideas and lifesaving methods to help even make the survival novice become more prepared for any disaster." John, 56, West Virginia

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"A lot easier to build than originally believed. Thank you! Oh by the way we are in our late 60's." Nancy, 66, Ohio

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Very clear precise instructions on building very useful items for your homestead. Everyone needs this!" Heidi L., 54, Illinois, USA.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Good info, usable, it all adds up! Keep on trucking!" Peter, 55, New York State

You Also Get Our
60-Day Moneyback Guarantee...

60 Days Money Back

That means, if at any point during the first 60 days you're not COMPLETELY over-the-moon satisfied with Survival Sanctuary then simply send me an email and I'll give you back every cent within 24 hours.It will take just some days for you to see the refund back in your account.

No ifs, no buts.

You'll even get to keep the book.

It's as simple as that!

That's right: You have TWO FULL MONTHS to test drive 'Survival Sanctuary', plus the three free bonuses, before you make your final decision.

That's our handshake guarantee!

So, is it a deal?

I hope so!



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Right Now, We're Staring
Into the Abyss...

Whether it's an economic crisis, earthquake, martial law, or a hundred other things. That's why seeking a life of self-reliance, and building a bulletproof safety net - today, while you still can, is such a clear no-brainer.

Because according to experts 55% of Americans (193 million of us) are at high risk from natural disaster, while many say we're already in a major economic depression .

Throw into that black swan events, and the average American's all-time self-reliance LOW, and you can see why we feel duty-bound to help.

But we can't do it alone.

Today you can take part in something great: by boosting your self-reliance, helping yourself, loved ones and even total strangers with this knowledge.

Knowledge you can freely share with others once it's yours.

Everything you need is inside 'Survival Sanctuary'. And all you need to do is click the button below, quickly fill-in your details and pass through our highly secure, military-grade encryption process. Then if you're not completely satisfied within the next 60 days, ask for a full refund.

I hope you make the right choice,

God bless,

Mark Johnson



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[1] "Can You Save Money with Water Wells?", The Spruce, 2020

[2] "How much money can I save with Rainwater Harvesting", jdpipes.co.uk

[3] "How Rainwater Harvesting Helps One Family Save $500/Year", The Penny Hoarder

[4] "50 Amazing Water Conservation Facts You Should Now | Seametrics", Seametrics

[5] "Average Monthly Bill - Residential", Eia.gov, 2018

[6] Les Christie, "Which natural disaster will likely to destroy your home?", CNNMoney, 2014

[7] "U.S. Recession Model at 100% Confirms Downturn Is Already Here", Bloomberg.com, 2019

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